Sunday, June 17, 2007

Quothe The Cyclist

(The following post is my contribution to the daily journal entry we take turns writing. Please follow the route tracker for the full listing of journal entries for our group. I apologize for not posting photos, but it is difficult without reliable internet or personal computer.)

78 miles from Clark’s Summit (near Scranton) to Standing Stone (not Towanda)

Once upon our daylight waking,
While we sought food and early packing
Before many and many miles of spinning our wheels,

When we were ready, nearly departing,
Our travels were blessed by the local father, Bob Martin,
Wishing us well and with moving stories, hope imparting.

Ah, distinctly, I remember,
It was the day after a late slumber,
And our legs were freshly recovered from the first few hundred miles.

As a pack we traveled, nearly half our group together,
We pedaled down PA roads, approaching the lunch shelter,
Our van with trailer provided several pb’s and filled our water bottles.

With chalk on the roads, and determination in our shoes,
We sped onward by the views, absorbing the greens and blues,
To Towanda we spun, 78 miles in the heat almost done!

Our directions weren’t so complete,
Another town we were supposed to meet,
But not knowing where to go, we saddled down our two-wheeled steeds.

There under a tree we waited,
Chowed down on a tub of cookies donated,
A reporter stopped by to take our story, before some river splashing glory.

Happily, the van did pick us up,
To the showers and then to sup’,
In a small church by a gorgeous hill, hay bales strewn about.

With the piano playfully tapping,
We laid down our bags for a night of deep napping,
I’m proud of our journey, and look forward to the morrow!

Upon some reflection these things I have learned:
Peanut butter in cereal with bananas is far from absurd,
And I’ve found 30 friends who share my appetite for cycling and food.


Unknown said...

I can practically taste the fresh air as I read your account of the day. Savor every moment!

Anonymous said...

How nice to have a life-changing experience at such a young age! Makes me wish I was there!

Abby Dana said...

Well written! cheerio my good chap! haha the appreciation that an egl. major has for words :) seriously though great poetry. ill probs print it out and put it near my desk for ppl here to read. every one loves hearing about what you are doing! miss you bro!

Anonymous said...

Very creative Evman! Your poem reminded me a bit of "The Night Before Christmas" -the modern cycling version. Nice work bud...your progress is being charted on the US map in our kitchen. Keep it up!