Thursday, April 26, 2007

Busy Week - and New Bike!

My new bike came yesterday! I can't wait to have the time to put it all together at the right measurements! (Anyone have a good deal on bike fitting?) I love it already!

I did get out for a 35min run on Tuesday (thanks Mark!), which was apparently not long after the weekend's riding, based on how tired my legs still felt.

I didn't manage to get on my bike other than a little bit today. For some reason I'm not psyched to bike to work. I think I may just drive to work (I know, I know, the gas inefficiency bugs me too) and then bike around Concord before of after work. The roads I would commute on with my bike aren't as biker friendly as the ones closer to Concord.

During lunch I walked to a few places in west Concord and talked about my trip, asking for donations for the Community Night at O'Naturals in Acton on May 15th (4-8pm). I got the standard refusal lines from some shops, and some unexpected interest from others. I'd like to particularly thank Mari-Anne from Enclave!

The pictures here are from a small spot during my short rides today. I dropped my car off to get tuned, and used the opportunity to then bike to work from there, and then back afterwards. It worked out to be a great warm up... just a quick short jaunt.

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